Advanced Operating System
Horizon Signal controllers are NEMA compatible with our complete line of portable traffic signals. One PTS programmer can run an entire fleet of traffic signals.
The Most Advanced Operating System
All Horizon Signal systems operate on a closed high-speed secure wireless network. Each signal within the system is equipped with a conflict monitor, or Malfunction Management System (MMS). This security feature is unique to Horizon Portable Traffic Signals and provides built-in communication redundancy within a signal network.
By monitoring for malfunctions at each location within the network, rather than one central location, the possibility of an MMS failure is eliminated, and communications will remain up, running and secure. Every signal within a network is in constant two-way communication with every other signal within the system. Thousands of transmissions per second ensure safe and reliable operation 24 hours a day.
Also, the state-of-the-art Horizon Signal Advanced Remote Monitoring (ARM) system sends up-to-the-minute signal status notifications and alerts via text message of battery voltage and unauthorized movement of each signal within the PTS system.
Multi-Signal 2.0
Multi-Signal 2.0 is an update to the durable Multi-Signal 1.0 system first developed in 2005. Our engineers expanded on many of the existing features and made them even easier to use. More phases, more options, more capabilities. Multi-Signal 2.0 allows the user to do more with portable traffic signals.
Multi-Signal 2.0 can control up to 14 phases of traffic in one system. From a small work zone in a rural area with low ADT to a complete intersection in downtown New York City, MS 2.0 will keep the traffic moving.
Backward compatibility with Multi-Signal 1.0 systems allow operators to switch between Compatibility Mode to connect with MS 1.0 signals quickly and Enhanced Mode to take advantage of the expanded feature set of MS 2.0.
Each controller is monitored both locally via a dual-processor system, as well as over the network by all other controllers within the signal network making MS 2.0 the most secure wireless PTS system in the world. Every additional controller added means redundancy is further increased, safeguarding against system malfunctions.
Clearance Time Extender
Adjusts Clearance Internvals In Real-Time
The Clearance Time Extension System increases safety within the work zone by ensuring that all vehicles have cleared the zone before allowing the next programmed green interval. If traffic has not cleared the work zone at the time the clearance interval expires, the Clearance Time Extension System will increase the programmed red time to allow for the remaining vehicles to clear the zone safely. All green indications will be held until the system no longer detects traffic traveling through the work zone.
How It Works
The Clearance Time Extension System detects traffic within the work zone and automatically adjusts clearance intervals to the appropriate duration. By utilizing this special detection system, the system is able to recognize vehicles traveling through the work area, and hold all green indications until the work zone has been safely cleared.
Emergency Pre-Emption System
Gives Priority Green to Emergency Vehicles
Traffic Signal Pre-emption Systems have been developed to preempt the normal operation of traffic signal systems in order to provide a green indication in travel direction of emergency vehicles. The use of pre-emption systems on permanent traffic signals have reduced response times of emergency personnel and increased safety. Horizon Portable Traffic Signals can be equipped with a modular add-on pre-emption system. We have employed known proven technology to offer pre-emption as an option on all of our portable traffic signal systems.
How It Works
The Horizon Pre-Emption System is activated by emergency vehicles equipped with appropriate optical emitters. Optional handheld emitters are available as required.
The emergency vehicle approaching the traffic light sends a signal via the optical emitter. The signal is received at the traffic light and triggers a pre-emption of the currently operating program. A confirmation light on the traffic light is illuminated providing a confirmation that the pre-emption command has been accepted. Conflicting traffic lights within the traffic signal setup are changed to red.
After appropriate red clearance, times expire the traffic signal in the direction of the approaching emergency vehicle will change to green allowing the emergency vehicle to move safely through the traffic signal setup. Once the emergency vehicle has cleared the area, the Horizon Signal System will resume normal operation after an all red clearance interval.
Railroad Pre-Emption System
Increases Safety at Railroad Crossings in Work Zones
The Horizon Railroad Pre-Emption system preempts the active signal program in the event of a train intersecting the work zone. The system is activated by the railroad crossing gate controls via a hard-wired or wireless connection. All signals within the system revert to a solid red indication at the same time the railroad gates are activated by an oncoming train. The signals will remain in solid red mode until the train has safely cleared the work area, at which point the Horizon Signal system returns to normal operation. Horizon Portable Traffic Signals can be equipped with a modular add-on pre-emption system. We have employed known proven technology to offer pre-emption as an option on all of our portable traffic signal systems.
How It Works
The Railroad Pre-Emption System incorporates existing train detection and activates a red signal in all phases when a train is approaching. The System returns to the appropriate timing program after the train has cleared the work area.
The Railroad Pre-Emption System is available as a component option for all Horizon Signal SQ3TS® Systems.
Video Detection
Non-Intrusive True Presence Detection
Video Detection Systems offered by Horizon Signal Technologies for traffic actuation combine performance, functionality and ease of use to provide non-intrusive true presence detection. Highly sophisticated algorithms ensure accurate detection zones that can be configured to meet site specific requirements.
- True presence detection
- Non-intrusive above ground installation
- Flexible detection zone placement
- Multi-zone detection capability
- Easy Installation and configuration
- Optional Windows® based programming
How It Works
The Video Detection System consists of a camera and processor system. The camera features high resolution, remote zooms, and focus functions. It is also equipped with a high sensitivity color imager to ensure accurate vehicle detection regardless of lighting conditions. The sophisticated processor helps ensure reliable true presence detection.
Non-intrusive detection zones are configured during the system setup process by utilizing the video imaging screen to determine the detection zone placement. After the detections zones have been created and placed in the traffic lanes, the system quickly learns the configuration, and begins real-time true presence detection.
Radar & Loop Detection
Loop Detection
Horizon Signal Systems can be equipped with a Loop Detection Module to facilitate the use of existing, new or temporary loops. The Loop Detection Module provides true presence detection and features adjustable sensitivity, self tuning and detection indicator. The Loop Detection Module can accommodate multiple loops.
Doppler Radar Detection
The Doppler Radar Detection System detects approaching vehicles moving at speeds as slow as 2.5 mph (4 km/h). The Doppler Radar Detector mounts directly to the Signal System and is easily adjusted to maximize the detection zone. It is equipped with an LED indicator to provide visual confirmation of detection. The Doppler Radar Detector has a rugged housing with an operating temperature range of -40º to 158º F (-40º to 70º C).
Wireless Handheld Device
The wireless hand held remote is an option available with all Horizon Signal Systems.
- The operation mode can be changed from the automatic to the manual mode and back to the automatic mode via the wireless handheld remote
- The wireless handheld remote provides a confirmation that a command has been accepted\
- The rugged wireless handheld remote has a ½ mile range form the Master Remote Control Module
Cabled Toggle Control Device
In addition to using the Micro-Terminal to manually cycle signals, an all-weather toggle switch is also available. The Cabled Toggle Control Switch is ideal for two phase work zone projects.
- The cabled toggle control switch can be connected to any controller within the signal setup via a quick plug attachment.
- The cabled toggle control switch is available in lengths that assure the operator can control the signal system from a safe convenient location.
- Allows user to request green times without possibility of conflict